OpenLayers for IGC Files

09 Feb 2019

Nothing better than portability when it comes to data. For flying comps Airtribune provides realtime tracking, same as Flymaster, and many others. However, for the 2018 HG comps the livetracking and reviewing of past tasks was horrible. Thus, I implemented a track viewer using OpenLayers, which allows direct reading of IGC files.

There is view of all waypoints for both Cowboy Up and the Green Swamp Sport Classic, which can be used for task development. Cowboy Up Waypoints GSSK Waypoints

My favorite part of OpenLayers is to be able to view IGC files. Thus, I can superimpose the task and the track, similarly to what Airtribune shows. Obviously a work in development as I need to add player capability, ensure the projections are correct, and ultimately live tracking. But for now, open source software for hang gliding flight tracking paint a right picture.

Some examples: